Friday 18 January 2008

Quit Talking and Start Doing

"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing."

- Walt Disney

Well, here we are, well into the 3rd week of 2008 already.

I know it sounds funny coming so early in the year but... doesn't
time go quickly??

I'm not joking!

I mean, there are only 52 weeks in a year and already we're into
week 3. Makes you think doesn't it? (well, it makes ME think) : )

That's why I've started this email with that famous Walt Disney

You see, many of my readers tell me that they really want to see
great results and that they're really determined that this year
will be THE year when they get them but that, well, they're just
having problems getting started.

They tell me:

"Let me just get Christmas over and done with"


"I'll just get the New Year out of the way"


"I've got to get the kids back to school first"


"Let me get settled back into work"

Yes, they tell me ALL of these things and a thousand other reason
why now isn't a great time to start...

... and all the while, 2008 ticks away regardless of their reasons,
rationalisations and, let's face it, excuses.

The trouble is, the longer it takes to get started, the longer it
takes to see results. Obvious, I know, but most trainers just
aren't 'getting it' when it comes to correlating their goals with
their actions.

See, they're unhappy with how their business is operating, they're
unhappy with how much money they're taking home every month and
they're unhappy with how much it costs them in time, energy,
relationships and finances to live the personal trainer lifestyle
they're currently living yet, despite being unhappy in all of these
areas they insist upon sticking to the same tired old strategy
they've always used.

They work harder.

Trouble is, working harder simply doesn't work.

Not for becoming successful anyway.

If it did then manual labourers on construction sites would be the
wealthiest people around and, well, that's simply not the case is it?

So, what's a better strategy?

Try working smarter!

Working smarter means having a strategy for achieving and
maintaining your excellence.

Working smarter means developing a gatekeeper strategy that
protects you from people who're out to steal your passion.

Working smarter means developing a Unique Market Identity rather
than relying on an outdated model of Unique Selling Proposition
(there's no such thing!)

Working smarter means developing multiple sources of income so that
you earn money for ALL of your time rather than just some of it.

Aboe all, working smarter means to quit talking about and begin
DOING the things that will bring about the results you seek.

It's nothing more and nothing less than this.

Sure, there are strategies that can help you, there are systems,
there are shortcuts but the simple act of DOING what you know needs
to be done changes everything.

Want to give yourself a ten grand payrise this year?

Then put all of your efforts into seeing how you could earn an
extra $200 a week from what you're currently doing and you'll have
it. Not exactly rocket science is it?

Yet most of us don't think to increase our fees by $5 (This alone
with 20 appointments a week is a £5000 payrise).

Similarly we don't think about how to earn a measly $100 a week
either online or through giving a public talk, selling high quality
supplements, offering e-coaching and yet again, it's so easy to do.

Actually, I'm wrong here. We DO think about it, we just don't DO it.

So make this the year of DO.

Make it the year when you put your ideas in order and then
systematically, one by one, work through them to see firsthand
whether or not they'll work.

You'll be surprised at how many actually do!

To your success


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