Saturday 23 August 2008

Olympic Gold For Your Personal Training Business

Because I've been on vacation these last 3 weeks I've not had a lot of time in front of the TV watching the Olympics this time around.

Shame really, because every time I watch one of these 4 yearly sports bonanza's I'm always motivated, inspired and reminded about how becoming a champion in anything is the result of some rather simple 'rules' rather than anything outrageously complex.

Sure, all Olympians are great athletes in their own right but their greatness comes from some of the simplest, most fundamental basics you can think of and can be applied just as easily to making a success of business and life in general.

They are:

1. Do what you love - When you are doing what you love and loving what you do you never have to worry about doing it well because you're naturally drawn to doing it as best as you can by your passion.

Whenever you work at anything in life with passion as your fuel, your success is practically guaranteed.

Lesson: Do what you love or don't do it at all.

2. Commit 100% - You don't become an Olympian with a 'kinda, sorta, maybe' attitude and you won't make a success of your life or business that way either.

Commitment simply means making a decision that cuts you off from all other possibilities and holds you true to your goal.

Lesson: Once you decide to do something then give it everything you got. Play to win and and do everything within your power to make sure you do

3. Practice, Practice, Practice - Olympic athletes don't wake up with the skills required to compete in the greatest games on Earth. They get that way through practicing and practicing often until their weaknesses are gone.

You need to do the same and make sure that you take action DAILY to practice the skills of success.

Lesson: Determine what skills you are most lacking in your quest for success and practice those skills FIRST until they're no longer a weak link.

4. Get a coach - No one gets to the Olympics without a great coach teaching, correcting and pushing them to do better than they've demonstrated in the past. In fact, an athletes choice of coach is often seen as the most critical decision they will ever have to make.

This is true with life success too.

Lesson: Most people think they don't need or can't afford a coach to help them succeed. The truth is, practically every successful person you've ever met (just like every Olympian) has had a coach to help get them to that success, to that win far faster and far easier than they could do so alone.

You need a coach.

5. Compete! - You'll never win if you never get in the game. There are no Olympic medals for watching or even talking about the games.

The only person who even comes close to the medals is the person who steps into the arena and puts it all on the line.

Same with success in life.

Want to win in life? Then get in the game. Write that book, talk at that convention, finish that video, open that gym. Whatever it is you've been talking about, get off your butt and do it.

Lesson: Talking the talk is easy but you never get to win that way. Only ACTION gets results.

There you have it. Simple huh?

Apply these four rules to your life and your business right away and see how quickly you can win your own gold medal. You'll be stunned!

Truth, joy and love

Dax Moy

P.S - If you're serious about winning then check out the top coaching program for personal trainers and fitness professionals anywhere in the world at

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