Friday 5 September 2008

The ESSENTIAL Action You Must Take For Personal Training Success

I've literally just finished my friday team meeting with the coaches in my Islington studios in London where we spent 2 hours talking about how we can improve on the performance of the company.

This is a weekly ritual where we conduct a no-B.S 'autopsy' of the past week figure out what worked, what didn't and what needs to be improved upon. This is the most valuable 2 hours of the entire week, I can tell you.

Well, this week was no exception. In fact, I'd say it was one of the most important team meetings we've had in a long time because it contained a message that my team REALLY needed to hear and, in all likelihood, what most of my readers need to hear too.

The message was a reminder, an urging, no, a DEMAND that each and every member of my company remember what our business is about.

A little background...

Over the last few weeks since I returned from my vacation I've been studying my team and how they conduct business.

They're all great coaches, very passionate, dedicated and hard working so I'm very fortunate in that they actually WANT to be great coaches.

Unfortunately, in my absence they picked up a habit that was harming not only them, but my business as well.

They started equating the time that they spent at work with how valuable their work was to the business. For example, whilst they all complete a 40 hour week of time AT work, much of that time was spent on activities that had zero effect on the growth and success of the company.

For example, lets say they performed 18 PT appointments and 5 hours of marketing activity. That's 23 hours. Add to that 4 hours of staff training and the team meeting and we're up to 27 hours of productive work.

That leaves 13 hours of non earning, non learning and non-productive time each and every week where they're reading emails, scouring the web, waiting for clients, chatting with colleagues and, to be blunt, wasting time.

13 hours.

That almost a third of a working week where they're failing to take action on the core imperative of business...

To find, acquire and keep clients.

In other words, to engage in the activities that add to the bottom line value of both the company and their own bank accounts.

This is the most essential activity for success, not just in personal training but in all business.

It's the only reason for the existance of ANY business.

In fact, if you're not actively seeking, finding and keeping clients then you don't have a business at all. You have a part time job and one that can dry up at any time.

The thing is, most of us don't realise that we've substituted the important for the less important.

We confuse busy-ness with business and, in doing so, ruin any real chance of success.

Maybe YOU'RE doing this too? Believing that because
you've been busy all day that you've been productive?
That you're adding to the net worth of your company?

If you are... stop it!

I mean it, stop it right away.

Get in the habit of stopping several times a day and asking yourself this simple, yet powerful question:

'Is what I'm doing either part of seeking, acquiring or keeping a client?'

If the answer is no, then quit it immediately (no matter how much importance you've attached to redesigning that workout template) and get to working on something that is.

Hardly rocket science, I know, but who said success has to be complicated, right?

Spend the next 7 days asking yourself the question and see for yourself what impact it makes on your business.

You'll be amazed!

To your success

Dax Moy

P.S - If you need help in finding and acquiring clients for your PT
business then check out my Scientific Advertising For The Fitness
Professional and apply it to your business right away for immediate
results. You can get it by visiting

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