Wednesday 24 September 2008

Are You Telling Your Prospects About this?

Since I got back from Ryan Lee's Bootcamp I've been
inundated with mail asking me one thing in about
100 different ways.

"How do I make my business more successful and get more
OUT of it rather than have it take everything out of ME?"

There are literally THOUSANDS of ways to do do
this but the fastest, the easiest and the simplest way is....

(This is so obvious but so ignored)

Tell people how to get what they want.

Obvious it may be, but very few fitness marketers actually
tell people how to get what they want.

Instead, they post a bunch of stuff about their qualifications,
their knowledge base, their skillset, their gym, their equipment.

You name it, they tell about it but they still don't do the obvious.

They don't say "Do this and this and this and you'll get what you want"

Shame, because that's where all the rewards are.

Take a good look over your marketing materials, your website, your
flyers, your ads. Are you actually talking to the wants of your prospects?

I think you'll be surprised!

That's why my good friend Craig Ballantyne and I have created the
ultimate 'How To Build Your Fitness Business' workshop in London, UK
next month.

No theory or philosophy just a 'How To' blueprint to help you get what
YOU want.

Craig sent me this video today, you should check it out!

Told you so!  :)

We're going to teach you EXACTLY how to build you business, both online and off, and we're even going to guarantee it. If you think our day together didn't help you just ask for a refund and you got it.

No excuses now, huh?

Wanna find out more?

Go see if you qualify for one of the 35 places!

See you there!

Dax Moy

P.S - Even if you DON'T come, you still need to figure out how to tell your prospects how to get what they want. Are you doing it as well as you think you are?

How do you know?

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