Tuesday 23 September 2008

Dax Moy and Craig Ballantyne Present.....

As you know, I've just been back from Ryan Lee's Bootcamp 2 days
now but already I've been taking action and implementing some of
the new stuff I learned and adding it to my own systems and, well,
it's worked a charm!

Now, I'm no newbie to marketing my PT services but I've got to tell
you, the tiny tweaks I've put in over the last few days have added
many thousands to my bottom line already and my lists have grown by
thousands too.

Since Sunday!

This isn't a brag-fest but rather, i wanted to let you know what
can be accomplished in just a short period of time when you do the
right things as opposed to how long success takes when you're doing
it... the other way.

You know, working long hours, a bit here, a bit there, a little
SEO,a little Google a little... well, you get the picture, right?

It just doesn't work does it?

Lots of effort for a little result, right?

Well, if you're willing to make the effort to spend a day with
Myself and Craig Ballantyne on Friday 24th October then all that's
going to change.

For the first time EVER we're going to reveal our own step by step
blueprints to success in health and fitness both online and off
leving you with no doubt whatsoever as to what to do next.

When I say blueprint, I mean it.

We're not going to teach guidelines, philosophies or preferences;
we're going to TELL you exactly what you need to do to generate an
amazing amount of business in the shortest time possible.

Like we do.

No ambiguity, just results.


Then just pop on over to
www.personaltrainersuccessacademy.com/cbdax.htm and see if you
qualify (you might not!)

If you do then stand by, because when the doors finally open on
Friday (this week) you'll need to be ready to grab one of the
limited 35 places we have available.

(This isn't a scarcity marketing trick, there really are only 35 places so
you've got to act fast)

Get on over to www.personaltrainersuccessacademy.com/cbdax.htm and find out more.

See you there!



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