Sunday 21 September 2008

Ryan Lee's Bootcamp 3 Sucked!

It's true, Ryan Lee's third bootcamp absolutely sucked...

...if you weren't there, that is! : )

I was fortunate enough to be the closing speaker of the event and
had an amazing time with some of the most motivated and passionate
fitness professionals I've ever met in my life and I can tell you

If you didn't choose to go, thought you couldn't afford it or
simply couldn't (or wouldn't) make the time then you missed out.

You missed out BIG!

Just 1 tip I picked up at the event has already earned me over $2000.

I'm not joking!

I heard the idea, during the next coffee break I implemented it
and, by the time the day was over I had already earned nearly
$1000. By the time I woke up for breakfast I was at $1500 and now,
as I sit here in Newark airport NY, I'm $2000 up.

1 idea!

And I have over 100 things to implement over the next few days...

You should have come. I mean it.

Not only were the technical and marketing tips a goldmine for those
who take action, but the networking and mixing with other fitness
professionals was priceless too.

I personally made over 20 commitments to new joint ventures and I
know guys who have already started new businesses and websites
DURING the weekend as a result of their networking.

You SHOULD have been there!

But it's finished.

It's over.

Done and dusted.

I don't know when Ryan will run the next one but when he announces
it in a year, two or three, you make the commitment to go ok?

In the meantime, I want to invite you to come spend a day with me
and Craig Ballantyne in London next month where we'll be guiding a
select group of 35 fitness professionals through a step by step 'do
this, don't do that' blueprint for fitness business success.

I won't pitch you on it here, if you're interested in finding
out more you can go to
and find out if you qualify to attend.

Just check it out.

Then decide how serious you are about your success and take the
appropriate action.

See you there!

Dax Moy

P.S - Tomorrow I'll send you one of the great new tips I learned this weekend
so that you can apply it to YOUR business.

Keep 'em peeled!

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