Monday 23 February 2009

How I P%$$ed Off All The Local Gyms In My Area

Hey Guys

So here's the deal...

I run a personal training studio in Central London with 7 gyms within 5 minutes of my centre each of which offer pools, classes, sauna, steam, juice bar, hair salons etc, etc.

They all operate memberships of several thousand members.

My studio is PT only. 3000 Sq Ft, no pool, no steam room, no sauna.

You get the picture.

We do not offer unaccompanied use of the studio for training. You're either getting PT or you're not. If you're not, you train elsewhere.

So, we recommend our clientele to the gyms nearby, choosing each based upon the program needs, the available budget and convenience in terms of our clients' travel arrangements.

We've always done this and, despite speaking with gyms about cross referrals, we've always been told that they operate their own PT's so can't refer, but that they're 'happy to help US out by giving our clients somewhere to train' (Nice of them, right?)

Anyway, here's how I pissed them off today (and will remain pissing them off all this week).

I've had my team members distributing flyers for our PT services near each of these gyms.

Not on their premises, mind you, but in the public areas outside.


Well, believe it or not, NOT because we're trying to compete.

We're not. In fact, we Can't!

We're doing this for 2 simple reasons.

1. Go to where the target market are - Our target market are those who are looking to achieve their health and fitness goals. Where better to find them than gyms?

If you advertise in a magazine, you (presumably) put your ad in a publication that will be seen by those who are interested in your services. Doesn't it make sense to do the same in the real world?

2. Offering services that others cannot - Those that are interested in PT in their gyms have taken them on already. Those who do not either don't want what they are being offered OR have tried the service already and did not find it fit their needs.

That being the case, we're offering services that the gyms can't/don't/won't.

Again, no competition necessary.

Well, that's my take on it.

Seems the gyms have another view.

They're not happy.

They're upset.

My team are being told to move on (though they're not moving).

I'm getting phone calls and emails of complaint.

Apparently, it's 'not done'.

Personally, I don't care.

Bottom line?

This is an aggressive move, but aggressive isn't competitive. It's vigorously energetic, it's boldly assertive and yes, it's making an all-out effort to win. But that doesn't mean that others lose.

Shame the clubs don't see that.

They'd rather me lose than share a market that isn't using their services.

I don't mind us BOTH winning but I don't plan to lose!

Dax Moy
The Internet's Biggest And Best FREE Resource For Fitness Professionals

P.S - On a side note, this strategy has been applied to the big chains only. The small, independent gyms and PT studios in my area are not on my 'to be pissed off' list. I figure they've taken enough of a battering from the chains already...


Darren said...

That's interesting Dax, I think you're well within your rights there.

Where exactly are you leaving these flyers? Neighbouring businesses, letterboxes or cars?

We have a local gym about to change owners (one globo to another) and are predicting a few dissatisfied members that might be persuaded to switch to our services.... We are going to be placing a few bandit road signs nearby.


bobby kelly said...

Totally Brilliant Dax. I like
the way you think. Bog boxes hire glorified sales team members most of the time so this will be great to see how you do.

Bobby Kelly PHX AZ

PS I am contacting you late this week on JV. Hope you are open to it.

cwalker3 said...

This is a great blog. I hate those gyms and there arrogance. I have referred hundreds of people to gyms only to have them take a dump on me. I predict most of the larger gyms will be extint soon.