Tuesday 17 June 2008

Thomas Edison's Success Formula For Personal Trainers

I used to think that in order to become successful that I had to create unique ideas that no-one, not another soul on the planet had had and then do my best to market them before others had their own 'unique' ideas that were the same as mine (think about that for a second)

I used to think that if someone took one of my ideas and used it to make money then they were somehow stealing something from me and weakening my position so that my own success would falter and that if I did the same with theirs that this somehow made ME a thief.

I used to think "I can't do that, it's already been done... I've missed the boat on this" and quit projects that I'd been passionate about because someone 'beat' me to bringing it to market.

I used to.

But not anymore.

Now I realise that no idea is truly unique but that each of us has a unique way of applying (or failing to apply) our ideas to our lives. Because of this, there is more than enough room for
EVERY idea any of us ever have.

If this wan't the case then there would only ever be one of any type of commodity or item in the world.

One type of car.
One type of TV.
One type of washing machine.
One type of [Insert what YOU do here]

But there's not is there?

There are hundreds, if not thousands of each of these things.
Why not one more?

Now I realise that every person who came before me and everyone who follows gets an equal share of all the information and ideas of all the generations who precede them. It doesn't make sense NOT to use it.

You wouldn't dismiss reading because someone else 'invented' it would you?
You wouldn't rid your home of electricity because someone else beat you to it?
You wouldn't pass up medical help because you had no hand in the founding of medical knowledge, right?

So what if what you want to do is already in existence? If you want to do it, and do it your way then do it!

Life isn't school.

There's no teacher who's going to mark you down for copying the kid next to you.
Copy all you want.... then improve.

Now I realise that Thomas Edison's formula for success is the fastest, surest way to guarantee that you get what you want from life.

"...start where the last man left off."

See, you really don't have to re-invent the wheel. In fact, that's just not smart. It's wasteful.

You CAN paint the wheel the colour your want it.
You CAN use different materials.
You CAN make it bigger or smaller, wider or narrower.
You CAN.

So, if it feels like success has been eluding you and that your 'unique' ideas never seem to go anywhere or that others 'beat you to it' before you get the rewards, then try Edison's approach.
Start where the last person left off and add your signature to an existing success.

Try it today!

P.S - It's always easier to improve on someone elses idea than start from scratch. That doesn't mean that the improvement isn't just as valuable (or more so) than the 'original' idea. The idea you improve upon may change millions of lives whilst the one you insist upon being original may never see the light of day... worth thinking about!
My MAGIC Hundred, Look Great Naked Challenge, Scientific Advertising, Kinetic Chain Assessement Course and even my Mentoring programs are ALL ideas that came from the work of those before me and have made me pretty wealthy by most people's standards whilst at the same time improving the lives of everyone who uses them...


Get Fit said...

Great blog Dax! I used to think exactly the same way as you, now I realize you don't have to re-invent the wheel every time, just take something and improve it. This is the strategy I'm using and it's working thanks to you.



Aimie said...

Absolutely!! Perfectionism gets you where exactly? Fretting that it just aint good enough is where exactly.Then you miss the boat! I did it last year with the 12 days project, my fear that it wasnt unique enough or special enough stopped me from submitting anything at all. Sad but true!

Follow your dream stay with your passion and be who you are! use the knowledge you already have, but put some of you into it.

I am always trying to find the one solution to fit all my clients needs and have realised they dont need change and variety for variety sake, I cant re-invent a new type of squat and you know what, why should I when it works perfectly well anyway.

i cant re-invent a new radical diet, not sure i would want to either! But I can reasearch, find and modify what already works, and thats exactly what i do,and if you read magazines thats exactly what they do, they are all a new take on old stuff!

your clients will train with you for the same principles Dax teaches ,because they know, like and trust you, the fact that you are finding new recipes and new workouts is a service in itself, you are saving your clients time and energy and that is why they hire you.

I now know to relax, use the knowledge I have find the knowledge I dont and deliver it my way and that is the unique idea!

That is why i get repeat business, in bootcamps and pt sessions.
i have used other peoples ideas on training, I have used the TT workouts, some crossfit challenges and others I find that I believe are safe and effective,

when you are living in your own cocoon there is no sounding board of opinion only your own!

Go and check out whats out there and use it with your own very special spin!

Aimie :)