Sunday 1 June 2008

The One Course That Every SERIOUS Fitness Professional Should Attend

This isn't a marketing-based post today telling you
how to generate more leads or more income but
nonetheless It's still a pretty important one if you're
serious about getting to the top of your game and
getting results faster for your clients.

And that, of course, is what being a personal trainer
Is all about, right?

And hey, if you're looking to get extremely busy,
charge top-dollar and make stacks more money
then learning to speed up the time it takes to get
fantastic results for your clients makes great sense

So, I guess this IS a mail that will teach you how
to generate more leads and income! : )

So here's the deal...

Imagine if you could spend one hour or less with a
client and know, without a doubt, every single
postural, muscular, skeletal and neurological dysfunction that they
were suffering from...

Imagine that, almost like performing a CSI investigation, you could
look INSIDE your clients and know WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT which
muscles, joints and nerves were holding up your clients results....

Imagine that, as a result of this knowledge, you could use advanced
neurological techniques that were safe and easy to apply yet
produced INSTANT RESULTS in muscular tone and recruitment, even in
muscles that have been stubbornly dormant for months, years or even

Would you be interested?

Think about it.

With this knowledge you could help your clients and athletes
rehabilitate from persistent and even chronic injuries faster than
you'd ever believe possible (Even 'untreatable' syndromes like
'frozen shoulder')

You could help your fat loss clients engage heaps more muscle in
every workout and, as a result, lose fat faster than ever before
(my clients regularly lose 30, 40 or even 50lbs faster than most
trainers can get theirs to lose 10!)

You could improve the performance of any athlete or serious weekend
warrior helping them to run further or faster, jump higher, lift
heavier, punch harder than they have in years (I've trained elite
level athletes, world record holder polar explorers and even
Gladiators from the TV show to do all this and more).

And yes, you'd get paid more!

In fact, everyone I've taught these skills to has gone on to AT
LEAST double their incomes as a result with many, many of them
tripling or even quadrupling what they put in the bank.

And it's all because of the assessment protocols I teach during my
Kinetic Chain Assessment Specialist Course.

And that's why I'm writing you today.

I wanted to let you know that on the 18th and 19th of July in
London I'll be offering the first of my new curriculum KCA courses
to a select group of fitness professionals who are serious about
taking their knowledge, skills and abilities to a new level.

During those 2 days we'll be covering some pretty intense subject
matter including a bunch of neurological laws that most fitness
professionals have never even heard of and most lecturers either
ignore or don't understand well enough to use practically with real

By the end of these 2 days you'll know more about the theory and
practice of assessment than most physical therapists and
chiropractors and, more importantly, you'll know how to APPLY what
you've learned to generate rapid results for your clients.

(That's not just sales talk, the program has had doctors, physios,
chiro's and even neurologists go through the program and come out
the other side with more practical knowledge about how to speed up
their patients results than they ever believed possible)

So, by now you may be interested in the program and consider
checking it out over at but
before you do, let me just tell you what the KCA program is NOT.

It's NOT a 'posture assessment' program - Yes, you'll learn how to
assess posture the KCA way but posture assessment alone won't help
your clients.

It's NOT a functional movement screen - You'll learn how to assess
functional movement for sure but a simple 'pass' or 'fail' result
doesn't help you get your results faster either.

It's NOT a 'theory only' course - sure, there's a ton of theory
you've got to learn in order to understand the neurological
dysfunctions you're observing but theory alone won't make you a
better coach.

It's NOT a 'Do this' type of course where you're shown a bunch of
tests and given the answers - As you'll see when you get here, the
exact same postural deviation can be caused by numerous neural,
muscular or skeletal factors and so a 'stretch this and strengthen
this' approach simply won't make things better.

In fact, often times you may be making things worse!

In short, this course will teach you not only the HOW of Kinetic
Chain Assessment
but also the WHY, meaning that you can take away
what you learn and immediately apply it to your clients and
athletes the very next day and start seeing improvements pretty
much right away.

But here's the thing.

I'm only allowing 25 people into the program this time around (I
prefer to keep my KCA certifications small in order to keep the
quality of instruction high) so if you're serious about joining
then you need to take action right away.

Also, to 'sweeten the pot' I've added an 'Early-Bird' bonus
allowing all applicants who register before 10th June to save an
extra £100 ($200) off the full price. Quite a considerable saving.

So, if the KCA skillset is something that you want, something that
you need and something that you recognise as being a practical,
activity-driven way to increase your income in the next few months
then you need to get on over to ASAP and register as I
genuinely don't know if I'll be running another program this year.

Get on over there now {!firstname} and check it out for yourself.

To your success

Dax Moy

P.S - The KCA has been the major reason why I'm able to charge £130
($260) an hour and to become the highest paid personal trainer in
the UK. I'm certain that once you have this skillset you too will
experience a dramatic rise in YOUR income too.

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