Friday 30 May 2008

What's YOUR Personal Training Success Story?

You know, for all the marketing stuff I do within the
industry, I can sure be a bit of a dummy at telling my 'story'

For instance, whilst the bulk of the PT industry know me as a
'marketing guy' it seems that, of late at least, they know very
little about the other work that I do.

For instance, until about a year or so ago, most of the industry
knew very little about the success coaching that I'd been
conducting for my clients and other personal trainers to help the
achieve more, faster.

The coaching had been so successful, in fact, that I rapidly became
the highest paid coach in the UK. Yet, very few outside of my
clientele knew.

It took my bestselling book The MAGIC Hundred to bring my success
coaching to the fore and for me to generate a higher profile and
higher income as a success coach, to the point where I now conduct
over 70 interviews and seminars a year on goal achievement and

Similarly with my business coaching for trainers.

Do you know, I was mentoring coaches for years before I ever 'sold'
mentoring programs?

It's true, for nearly 3 years I was mentoring and coaching
trainers who wanted to learn my systems, strategies nad so-called
'secrets'. They all sought me out and offered me money to work with

I was helping them double, triple and even quadruple their income
and yet the world never even knew I had this skillset.

It took my website and my
$10,000 a year mentoring program to put me on the map as a business
coach and since then I've consistently earned more in 2 hours a week
than most personal trainers earn in a month.

Same with my Kinetic Chain Specialist Course.

Trainers used to ask me how I got the results I got so fast. I'd tell 'em
about my Kinetic Chain Assessment and, on an ad hoc, occasional basis
I'd offer workshops to trainers, physical therapist, osteopaths and even
neurologists and teach them, what I thought were, 'the obvious' assessments
I used.

This happened for 2 years and I had a lot of fun.

But I had a lot more fun when I started writing about the KCA for industry
magazines and selling out 20 person courses at $500 a pop.

So, what am I getting at here?

Well, it's obvious.

At least, I hope it is!

I'm telling you that we all have a skillset, a knowledge base, a set of 'obvious'
skills that we take for granted because, well, we've always gone about things
this way.

So we think nothing of the amazing way in which we work and the fantastic
results we get.

But once in a while we share our story and...

... BAM!

Everything changes, and faster than most of us would ever believe.

So tell your story!

Even if it's obvious (to you).

Even if you think that no-one will be interested. (You'd be surprised)

Even if you think that EVERYONE is doing things the way you are
(I guarantee they won't be).

The truth is, people want to know your story.

They NEED to know your story.

So tell it!

Tell 'em the the who, what, when, where, why and how of the things you do.

No sales hype, no pushy-pushy, no B.S. Just tell them your story.

...and watch your success skyrocket!

To your success

Dax Moy

P.S - This is hardly rocket science! Think about it; would you rather be sold,
lectured or told a story?

'nuff said!

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