Thursday 1 May 2008

Wanted: A Different You!

Most personal trainers and most people in general don't get the 'different you' concept.

They think I'm nuts when I explain it to them but nonetheless it exists.

In fact, it exists to such a degree that if you ignore it or fail to take action on it, you'll be doomed to a life exactly like you've got right now. Right this minute.

What's the Different You Rule?

It simply states that what you're getting out of life right now is the result of the thoughts you've thought. the words you've spoken and the actions you've taken up to this point.

In other words, the YOU that you've become.

It also states that, if you're not happy with the results you're currently experiencing, that the only way to change things is to become a different you.

It's cause and effect.

And it crosses EVERY single area of your life from health, to wealth to happiness and beyond.

But today let's look at wealth.

How much are you currently earning from your fitness business?

Whatever the number,good or bad, you're not earning that because of the environment, the economy or any other external reason that many of us like to blame.

You're earning it because of who YOU are, right now, this minute!

Stands to reason then, that if that number is lower than what you want from life, that YOU need to become someone else, someone more than who you are right now.

In fact, I believe that every single rung of the income ladder requires that you become a different you.

You need to be a different you to go from $20,000 to $40,000.

You need to be a different you to go from $40,000 to $80,000.

And you DEFINITELY need to be a VERY different you to go from $100,000 to $1,000,000!

It's a shame more personal trainers don't 'get' this.

They think that the techniques and strategies they used to to get from $20,000 to $40,000 will work to get them all the way to $100,000.

They won't.

They can't!

At $20,000 the YOU that you are is thinking very differently. The YOU that you are is thinking of how to accomplish $40,000. The YOU that you are is taking the actions and the risks equal to the task of achieving $40,000.

But that YOU isn't ready for $100,000...


Oh, that YOU thinks you are but you're not.

In fact, if you insist on remaining the $40,000 YOU whilst trying to get to $100,000 you'll fail.

You'll have a good month, you'll have a bad month.

You'll sell a few ebooks, then it'll stop selling.

You'll fill a bootcamp then the next one will be a dud.

No doubt about it, trying to earn $100,000 whislt being a $40,000 you is one step forward, two steps back.

And it's frustrating as hell!

I know.

I resisted growing into the me I had to be in order to break the six-figure barrier and I experienced the success/failure two-step over and over again.

I wasted time, I wasted money, I wasted energy and I wasted passion on watching my ideas do 'so-so' when, on paper at least, they should have been stunning successes.

Then I hit on the Different You Rule and everything changed... almost overnight!

I realised that the different me I had to be had to risk failure more often (I'd been playing it safe).

I realised that the different me had to think bigger (I'd been thinking small - even though it didn't feel like it at the time)

I realised that the different me had to invest in my future (Up til then I'd considered many things to be expenses rather than investments).

And most of all, I realised that the different me needed a mentor to coach and guide me (Up to then I'd done the whole loner 'thing' and thought that success and failure were down to me alone).

I don't know what YOU you need to be, only you can answer that, but whatever it is, there's no doubt that you need to be more than you are now.

Now, it's up to you what you're going to do about becoming that YOU but whatever it is, I suggest you stop 'thinking about it' and get to it. After all, every day you're not working toward being the YOU who has the house, the car, the business, the lifestyle, the travel the adventure and the relationships you truly want, is another day where you're actively choosing to keep things exactly as they are.

If you're happy with thing as they are then fine, do nothing.

If not... then hustle!

To the successful YOU I know you can be!

Dax Moy

P.S - The Excellence Module Of My Diploma Program is all about becoming the best YOU that you can be. Every single trainer who's been through the program so far has experienced greater success, including greater income as a result of the coaching they recieved.

John Limpus knew he need to be a different person to grow his buiness. He took action and look at the result!

"I have recently reviewed my progress over the past six months and have been pleasantly surprised by the results.

I have established a £1000 ($2000) per week personal training business from scratch in less than three months, increased the amount of enjoyment I get from my clients by 1000% and am planning a six week break next year to celebrate my business doing the same profit without me being there!

When I look back at the difference between this period of my business and previous years it is not because I have worked harder.

Nor because I know any more about health and exercise. Quite simply the investment I have made in Dax’s Mentoring course has given me the confidence, contacts and tools to start getting the money and recognition I deserve from the hours of work I am putting in.

Not only that but I also have the knowledge and confidence to build a business that can survive on it’s own rather than rely so heavily on me.

I spent years investing money in books or DVD’s that only gave me part of the answers I was looking for. I can only say to other trainers, take the plunge, if you seriously want your business to succeed you need to invest serious time and money in a training programme that gets results.

Dax’s course does that and truly will repay the money you invest in it ten fold.

When I look back at the growth I have achieved in the past few months and the changes I have made the biggest change was investing the money and time in Dax’s mentoring."

John Limpus

Fat Loss and Sustainable Energy Coach

Take the plunge and get the Different You Rule working in your life by visiting today


Unknown said...
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Josh Hillis said...

Hey Dax!

Brilliant post!

2008 has definitely been a year about becoming a bigger me. In fact, my biggest problem this year is trying to apply everything I'm learning in a timely manner.

Hey also you sent out an email a while back about getting copies of The Elimination Diet with affiliate links - and I totally want to do that, but all of the emails I sent you got returned.

My clickbank id is "joshgarage", and I'd totally love an affiliate copy of your book!