Sunday 23 November 2008

What Do You Want???

Read this WHOLE Post as the Best
10 responses will get a prize from
me worth $99 (I'm giving you REAL
Products that I actually charge
$99 for......)


After all this talk of how being transparent about our beliefs, I thought I'd take this 'game' a little further by having you ask yourself a few questions that may just make 2009 and beyond a TOTALLY different experience to the one you've been having up to this point.

It's just a collection of 7 little questions but I assure you, they have the power to literally change EVERYTHING in the days, weeks, months and years ahead.

You ready?

1. What Do You Want In 2009?

What is it that you actually want to happen in the coming year? Be as specific as possible about what you'd LOVE to have happen in the next 12 months of your life.

2. WHY Do You Want Those Things?

What is it about achieving those particular goals that makes them so appealing to you?

3. What are you willing to do differently to achieve them?

What you've been doing so far has gotten you here, to this point. Stands to reason that to move on to the next level you'll have to make changes. What canges do you feel you need to make?

4. What are you willing to give up?

Despite what you've been told, in order to get something you have to give up something. It's about balance. What do you think you might have to give up in order 'make space' for your goals?

5. Who have you shared your dreams with?

Have you announced your dreams to the world? Making goals real involves having the courage of your convictions and not being afraid or ashamed of what you are determined to accomplish. Do others know of your goals? Who?

6. What's the reward for achieving them?

When you finally achieve the goals you've set for yourself, what will be the reward? Sure, the goal is often the reward but in business you may want to double the turnover for example... then what? What will be your SPECIFIC reward for accomplishing what you set out to do?

7. What's the consequence for not achieving your goal?

Most people don't like to talk about consequences because they sound negative, yet there are ALWAYS consequences to every action we take (or don't take!) what will be yours? Will it be that things merely stay the same or will you take a specific action or series of actions as a consequence of not 'getting there'?

This is important stuff.

It's life changing stuff.

As in, it can literally change your life.

That's why I'm awarding the best 10 responses by giving them a very special program that's worth $99 (actually, I CHARGE $99, it's worth a LOT more!).

You've got til midnight Monday!

I can't wait to hear what you've all got to share!

Truth, joy and love

Dax Moy


aycfit said...

1. In 2009, I will complete my book titled "The Lies and Myths About Corporate Wellness - What Every CEO Need to Know".

2. The completion of my book will allow me to help thousands of individuals reach their health and fitness goals through their company wellness plan.

3. I joined Pat, Jim and Nick's mastermind group for guidance and accountability.

4. I gave up the mentality that I can do it all on my own. I sat aside my ego and allowed a group to be critical of what I'm doing and help with the process.

5. I've shared my dreams with clients and the personal training community, including Pat, Jim and Nick's mastermind group.

6. The SPECIFIC reward for accomplishing my goal will be to positively impact the lives of thousands of individuals. As we've discussed before, the development and maintenance of relationships is the key to success in life.

7. The consequence for not achieving my goal is FAILURE! Personally, I have always been motivated to perservere because of the 'fear of failure'. Not finishing what I've started, or losing, without giving my best effort, is unacceptable.

Jon Le Tocq, Storm Force Fitness said...

What do I want?

I want to have a list of 1000 people by the end of the year who are willing to testify that I have changed their lives through my leadership, inspiration and health and fitness products.

I want to be able to return to my motherland of Guernsey whenever I want because financial constraints are no longer an issue.

I want to be able to see the world before the selfish bastards who seem to dominate it, destroy it.

I want to set the best example I can to my new born niece.

I want to be happy with myself instead of constantly feeling like I haven't achieved enough.


I am 25 and sometimes feel like I'm growing up too fast. I want to live a life where I have a perfect balance between work and fun where experiences come thick and fast and shape everything I do.

I have come so close to quitting one too many times this year and I'm now ready for a new attitude and a new life which inspires other people so that they look up to me.

There is no better feeling than changing the life of another person.

What am I willing to give up?

This bullshit attitude I have let creep in that success means a life of misery until you get where you want to be!

I have already given up a comfortable life in Guernsey, my hobbies and most of my friends back home and my social life.

So I am not willing to give anything else up but I am ready to be smarter in taking advantage of the opportunities which have been created from the sacrifice so far.

Who have you shared your dreams with?

I met a girl this week who is exactly on the same wavelength as me. Well 2 girls in fact, but one is strictly professional, the other is far from it... Both inspire me to do better and I WILL.

I am also in the process of writing letters to my family as Christmas presents thanking them for everything they've done for me and how they have shaped my life to this point and where I want to take them from here.

What's the reward?

Seeing my niece grow up to be inspired by her uncle. I am giving her a stake in my business as a present so I am working for her and not just me.

A holiday in Thailand. My first car. A party with all my friends who I never get to see now. Learning to surf. Playing tennis again. Learning to laugh again.

What's the consequences of not achieving these?

I'll remain unhappy with myself and life in general and watch the best years of my life past by like many of the clients I tell off on a daily basis. I want to be able to lie on my death bed and say to myself "Job done"

Simon Dainton said...

1. What Do You Want In 2009?

I want a business that rewards me for my hard work, one that produces results and a high level of satisfaction and pride for the clients that I decide to work with. I want to enhance my reputation as the Trainer with compassion, knowledge and all the healthy ‘shortcuts’ to improved vitality and fitness in the part of Surrey that I work, and I also want to spread my knowledge further by branching out into an online business that helps motivate and encourage those people that I can’t reach geographically.

I want to go to work every morning, bursting with new ideas, fresh focus and a sense of excitement that again I’ll be playing a part, however small, in changing someone’s life for the better.

I want more confidence and more friends within the industry, so that I don’t feel that I’m on my own professionally and I want to start living a life which for many years seems to have eluded me; one filled with satisfaction, fun, adventure, increased profit and enlightenment. A year VERY different from the old me that inhabited 2008!

2. WHY Do You Want Those Things?

Because I want to feel that what I do with my life, both professionally and personally has meaning, direction and planning. I want to ‘put to bed’ the feelings of doubt, insecurity and low self esteem that my job has heaped upon me in the past couple of years and reconstruct the old me – the person who has a zest for life and a passion for his trade.

I believe that helping others and being successful in my quest more of the time will be the catalyst for new and greater opportunities, as I start to broaden my horizons, believe in what I do and how I act.

3. What are you willing to do differently to achieve them?

I’m willing to take the bull by the horns and step out of my comfort zones, instead of sitting meekly, thinking that life will get better someday and that I just need to be patient. Of course it won’t, unless I put the work in and accept that life doesn’t owe me a living! I’m willing to put my face out there, instead of hiding behind a website and hoping that prospective clients will call. I’m willing to educate more people and make them aware of what I do, how I am different and how my services can help them achieve. I’m also willing to be more open about my feelings and my beliefs, even though this might be seen by many as being a ‘taboo’. I am ready to look to the future instead of forever worrying about the ‘here and now’.

4. What are you willing to give up?

I believe that to achieve my goals I will have to give up doubting my abilities and learn to be a stronger character. I am more than willing to give up tiresome, negative clients that strip me of pride, time and energy and focus instead on those that respect my time, my passion and my knowledge. I will give up wasting time that can be far better spent on building a more profitable business, as well as giving up chasing a dream that never comes to fruition. Instead of sitting day after day trying to figure out how to make my life more of a success, I will give up the daydreaming and face reality. Success takes time and commitment, and with Dax’s mentorship programme behind me, I believe I can start to chase AND catch my dream this year!

5. Who have you shared your dreams with?

EVERYONE now knows my dreams. These last few weeks I think even my hairdresser and my neighbours know more about the inner me! I have shared my dreams with those closest to me; my girlfriend, my family and my friends. I have shared them with my clients – even the ones I soon hope to banish from my life! I have posted my beliefs and my written creed to my web lists, I have created a video of my Personal Creed which I have uploaded for the world to view and I intend to let everyone I come into contact with on a social and professional level what my dreams are. Dreams are to be shared.
6. What's the reward for achieving them?

FREEDOM – freedom from a 9 to 5 job, from people that I don’t want to work with and from a life of insecurity and occasional hardship.

PRIDE – knowing that I set out to achieve a challenging goal and that I didn’t give up at the first hurdle or let doubt wash over me.

TIME OFF – a chance to get away, see the world and meet new people, without the chains of work and paying the bills tugging at my ankles!

IMPROVED HEALTH – less stress, more time to exercise and look after my body, more sleep, less worry and a feeling of contentment.

JOB SATISFACTION – but not just satisfaction – complete love and respect for what I do on a day-to-day basis.

7. What's the consequence for not achieving your goal?

Letting myself and those around me down. I have made serious promises to those close to me that this year I will finally make something of my life in 2009, and stop p@@** about! I am placing high hopes on myself this coming year and I don’t want to let myself or those around me down. Letting things stay the same is NOT an option for me in 2009. This is ‘make or break’ for me and I know that I don’t have another chance after this. The biggest punishment I could give myself for not achieving my goals would be to leave the industry and admit defeat, which would rob me of my passion, my pride, my freedom and my ambition. Right now, failing to achieve my goals is NOT an option that I intend to experience!

jasoncscs said...

1. What Do You Want In 2009?

Love. This is the most important and motivating concept I have come accross in recent years. It makes complete sense to me to envision what I would LOVE to happen to me in my future as opposed to what I want, or think would be nice.

I would LOVE to erase the nagging debt I have been carrying for the past 2 years! I plan on accomplishing this by finally making my site a profitabe site that will support me and my wife whether or not I am training clients.

I would LOVE to go surfing in Costa Rica! I would LOVE to go snowboarding in Jackson Hole!

I would LOVE to take on one or two more highly motivated clients at my highest rate.

2. WHY Do You Want Those Things?

I have been working on my site for almost 5 years and I still feel like I have not yet accomplished what I set out to do. I would LOVE to feel like I finally achieved the dream I have had that my site is profitable, people love and bnenefit from it and it extends my ability to communicate my greatest passion. Achieveing this dream means a lot to my sense of well being and my abiity to complete that which I have set before me.

I LOVE travel and I simply have not seen enough of the world to feel satisfied. This feeling of being unsatisfied has left me tired and low in energy and I must feel the energy of success if I am to reenergize my professional life.

3. What are you willing to do differently to achieve them?

DELEGATE. I will learn how to delegate in 2009!

DISCIPLINE. I am so disciplined in my eating and exercise habits I am willing (And would LOVE) to become more disciplined in my online habits.

This discipline exdtends to a more consistent outreach with my newsletters and contact with my sphere of influence.

In 2009 I will be more productive in writing to my list and staying in contact and available.

4. What are you willing to give up?

Clients. I have been avoiding this issue for quite some time but sooner or later I knew it would come. I am going to have to give up my lowest reward peronal training clients to free up the time I will need to create a life I will LOVE in 2009.

5. Who have you shared your dreams with?

YOU. You're the first.

6. What's the reward for achieving them?

I cannot describe the reward except to say that I know what it will feel like. It is the same feeling I had when I was at camp out west. The feeling I had when I was on my honeymoon, the feeling I have when I visit my brother and his family. The feelilng I had when I first started personal training. It is about being calm, centered, peaceful, energized, alert, passionate, engaged, excited and joyful.

7. What's the consequence for not achieving your goal?

TIRED. So tired. too tired to do aything. SICK, unwell, unhappy, unmotivated. These are the negatives of my feeling like I still have not accomplished what I set out to do.

Anonymous said...

1. What Do You Want In 2009?

Answer 1 : I want to set up several Websites with their own specific topics in which I can also promote my own fitness info products – which will also be completed in 2009. Next to that I will open up my own independent Exercise & Holistic Lifestyle Practice. I will no longer be hired for “regular” fitness instruction, it’s boring, the masses do not comply and it’s frustrating to see that they don’t get any results.

2. WHY Do You Want Those Things?

Answer 2 : I want these things because I want to be financially independent and want to broadcast my message about health and no-bullshit training possibilities which give real results when training people with the right mindset and motivation. It will also create more free time which I will use to spend more time with my kids and to read more, to develop myself even further to become the best in – at least (to begin with) - the Dutch fitness community.
I will become the expert in my niche.

3. What are you willing to do differently to achieve them?

Answer 3 : I will stop working as a free lance fitness instructor and will be working as a Exercise & Holistic Lifestyle Coach only. But not fulltime, because I will use some time for my Online Businesses and will have a lot of free time too.
I’ll stop throwing myself for sale for ridiculous low prices and will attract only the customers who are willing to pay the price to attain their goals with the # 1 expert  ME !
4. What are you willing to give up?

Answer 4 : I will give up the security of the income I have as a free lance fitness instructor and will move on to do only these things I’m really passionate about. By doing that I will attract the right customers for PT and besides that I will have the time to create a multiple stream of income by setting up more websites. I will be the number 1 in Holland, this is my goal to become slightly famous !
5. Who have you shared your dreams with?

Answer 5 : My first website will be launched in januari 2009 and at the same time I will pronounce to the world – particularly the Dutch market – that I’m ready to take the crown.
These dreams are shared with my family and with some collegues.
6. What's the reward for achieving them?

Answer 6 : The reward will be a lot of money on my bank account, lots of spare time to spend with my family and friends and for further development. I will also be recognized being the # 1 expert in my niche of the market. I will no longer be working my ass off making very little profits, but will deserve what I put into it by attracting the right kind people. These people will Know, Like & Trust me and will be happy to show me their money ! Finally I will be able to work few hours from my home base and train just a few clients, other clients will be trained by my staff. I will be able to move to a more sunny place, like Sardegna, from which I can produce more internet business and products and write more books. Live the easy way, living fit and loving it.
7. What's the consequence for not achieving your goal?

Answer 7 : If I will not achieve my goal I will have to work like an ass for the rest of my remaining days, not able to enjoy life, my kids, my girlfriend etc. just trying to survive from day to day. This kind of stress will shorten my life and also be malignant for the quality of my life. I will take all of the necessary steps to attain my goal to become successful.

Thanks to all the people who help me reach my goal e.g. Dax Moy, Craig Ballantyne, Ryan Lee, Alwyn Cosgrove, Paul Chek, Charles Poliquin, Bas Willemsen, Coen Luiken, Nathalie van Spall, Gaby van Eck, Brett Coppoolse.

Tim said...

1. What Do You Want In 2009?

A maximum of 20 hours actual work a week. This includes managing my studio, dealing with clients, and handling other projects and income sources. The rest spent doing the things I am most passionate about, spending time with my wife, travel, mountain biking, driving fast cars. I quite fancy doing some car racing too.

2. WHY Do You Want Those Things?

No unecessary burden on me to work every hour possible. I want to choose the work I do and the clients I deal with. The lure of a successful business is in the freedoms it will give me, not the handcuffs to stiffle me. The non work stuff is where I feel most passionate at the moment.

3. What are you willing to do differently to achieve them?

Accept that my coaches and the people under my employ CAN deal with the tasks required of them. Create enough other streams of income which mean that if one drops off then it does not impact my bottom line.

4. What are you willing to give up?

My continued belief that earning "enough" money is difficult, producing large amounts of money is impossible, and my knowledge and skills are too low to achieve all this. My belief that there is not enough time in the week to get it all done.

5. Who have you shared your dreams with?

My wife, everyone reading this post :o), My coaches, some of my clients.

6. What's the reward for achieving them?

A brand new Nissan GTR, a 70 inch plasma tv and surround sound system(call me materialistic :o), a house that is not in a constant state of disrepair, A long vacation every 3 months.

7. What's the consequence for not achieving your goal?

Not progressing is a real turn off for me, even in my previous life in a "real" job! The worst thing that can happen is if I get to this time next year with the same position I am in now. cos that sucks big time.

Michael Bach said...

By the end of 2009 I want to be truly happy with my life which means success on a monetary value (working my way towards 6 figues and beyond) and more time to enjoy it with my loved ones and see new places
I want to go to bed and sleep without thinking what I HAVE to do and not what I WANT to do.

Earn £80,000 next year (could have been 100k but this scares me enough!)
Holiday to Africa arranged or in same year
Create my USP and sell it online
Have 5-6 revenue streams
Be debt free

I want to make more of my future dream come true which would be to have the life I want, to raise a family as I've finally matured (?) but to see a few things before I do this like visit Africa and see a great white shark face to face. Thats my idea of adventure!
I want to accept myself as a success, I'm the hardest person to convince!

I have to listen to everything you tell me over the next 12 months for starters ;-)
I have to grasp the idea of taking action everyday and not just working but to improve on what I'm doing.
My definition of excellence is to surprise myself and say how can I do this better! This means improving on a daily basis.
I have to sacrfice those things that might bring revenue but are not building positive values. I have already removed clients that were sabotaging my passion for what I do (and as a result skint) but it's about creating value out of every waking hour

This has meant both clients and days left open to move forward. I'm also prepared to spend and invest on my success in a way that I have not done before. This year will be in excess of $15,000 minimum

Yes - my partner, my family, my best clients and some of my peers.
I have started a blog as part of the 12 month mentorship pgm

12 months success

That can be one of my next blogs
To post my goals for 2009. Look out for it soon.

Giving myself a huge pat on the back and seeing myself as worthy and a success would be the biggest reward.

Becoming a recognised brand and credited by others across the industry

Also helping more and more people hit their own goals and having the ability to help more people

Showing other trainers what is possible!

The consequence of utter failure
Is that I remain where I am and realise I have wasted my time, my skills and my money and might as well played it safe and worked full time in a fitness chain

If I don't reach but improve significantly to getting really close to them, then I'll be happy.
Putting all this on paper scares the crap out of you becasue of aiming so big but that's the real beauty, to aim big and fail vs aim low and aucceed.

That lesson was learnt last week ;-)

The Body Planner
The Body Planner Blog

Luka Hocevar said...

This really helps me focus and keep goals in front of me, motivates me and makes me "do the damn thing"! Keep us all accountable Dax. Thank you!

1. My goal is to transition completely from working in a bigger gym and being under contract to training groups and bootcamps in my warehouse gym which I just leased while also hiring trainers and putting my business on auto-pilot.

With the extra time I am going to create and info product and start generating additional info online with the goal of having a good passive income stream.

2. There are a couple of honest reasons I want those things. I really do want to impact as many people as possible and have control of MY OWN life. I am tired of working endless hours and not seeing my wife, not being able to visit my family and friends in Slovenia whenever I would like to and just LIVING LIFE (I used to travel a ton when I played pro basketball and growing up and now its far and few in between).

I want more balance in my life and start living more of it again!

3. I am willing to do whatever I need to! I know I have to outsource more since that way I can do other things rather than getting frustrated by 10 things at once and having to learn from scratch how to do certain things. I have read tons of info products, books, went to seminars and I know that it is the taking action on tasks that is going to be the x-factor. I believe that there needs to be a change in my mindset all together.

4. I am willing to give a lot of things up. The only thing that I'm not willing to do is sacrifice my relationship (time with my wife....which isn't enough right now) and my health, which is sacred to me. Everything else I am willing to cut a chunk out off if need be.

5. I try to share my dreams with as many people as possible, family, friends, clients......but I need to make more of a statement and throw it out there so that I NEED to succeed.

6. When things get achieved as I envision them there will be a number of rewards: self fullfilment, time, financial (that will help me support my family, live the lifestyle I want and give me piece of mind). Specifically I will be able to expand my business spend more time with my wife and travel to my home country more often.

7. The consequence to not achieving my goal is stress frustration and drop of confidence which I am afraid will lead to relationship problems, falling into a cycle where there is no purpose but rather just "trying to get by". I all honesty I do not know the full seriousness of consequences but I don't want to go near finding out!

Luka Hocevar

Anonymous said...

1. What Do You Want In 2009?
Wow. What an incredible dose of self induced therapy and coaching. Just pondering the question sets in motion such positive productive energy that continues to build with each and every thought and idea. Just recently I began The Magic 100 goal setting program. My ongoing quest for self improvement has taken me through countless books, articles and posts regarding goal setting and achieving your dreams. Most programs and plans included recording your goals and dreams on paper. For some reason I always petered out with the process. And when I did make an attempt at it, the list would only include career or business goals. And even that would be short lived. Soon the newness and self motivation would wane and I’d go back into my hap hazard spinney habits. These habits would then feed that little voice in my head that repeatedly nagged about my lack of follow through, which inevitably deteriorated any self confidence that I had mustered up earlier in the cycle. Why did this keep happening? There was something missing?
That’s where the Magic 100 came in and saved the day. That very system uncovered the missing ingredient for my success. BALANCE! It’s so ironic that I preach it every day to my clients, friends and family. But for some reason I had a difficult time walking the walk. I was all about the exercise and anything to do with health and wellness. I slept, ate and breathed working on my education and career. I also focused on the fear of debt and got myself into debt. Never before in my life have I delved deep into every area of my life and thought about what I’d like to accomplish. In the past my wheel was always lopsided. It’s no wonder why it would only roll so far. When I began to add back in the ingredients that I was missing and started focusing on Joy, happiness and helping others my boat began to turn down stream. Daily accountability with ME and my partner (who’s started the program also) has also helped tremendously.
I’m also a believer and a student of The Law of Attraction. I’ve even had much success with it in my life. All of these successes however have NOT only been a result of the positive detailed thoughts, but they’ve also included deliberate action. The Magic 100 system has also helped me follow through with the necessary deliberate action that have and will allow those positive thoughts to come to fruition. Never before have I written down a detailed list of goals in all the areas of my life, so now that I’ve done that, WHAT DO I WANT to happen in 2009?
The first and foremost thing that I’d like to co-create is a “network of learning” how to become holistically healthy, fit and green. Much of what I’ve gained from my mentors in the past few months is that it’s essential to demonstrate transparency, reveal what you’re about, help others and the rest will fall into place. This network via my blog and social networking groups will become the hub for several businesses that will eventually allow me to wean myself off of the dependency of “one on one” training. These businesses will include Boot Camps, information products (affiliate and my own) and coaching programs. The success of these businesses will also allow me to whittle down that D word (debt..I don’t even like to say it.) and help me save $ and develop a comfortable income that would sustain moving to my favorite place in the world Steamboat Colorado. One of the other key ingredients to my success will be ramping up my giving practices. Someone recently reminded me that you get what you give and if you’re not happy with what you have you must need to ramp the giving up a bit.

2. WHY Do You Want Those Things?
Just the vision of establishing the goals I’ve set out is so gratifying and Joyful. If you’re helping people and they get it and see the results of their efforts, it can’t get any better than that.

3. What are you willing to do differently to achieve them?
I’ll continue with the 100 day program for the rest of my life. I’ll also continue to challenge myself, step out of my comfort zone and try not to get too hung up on making things perfect. As it’s been pointed out to me, you DON’T get paid for doing. You get paid when you get it DONE!

4. What are you willing to give up?
It is about balance and that’s what I’m learning. So, I’m giving up my narrow minded focus and will continue to strive for balance in all areas of my life.

5. Who have you shared your dreams with?
Until today, I’ve only shared my dreams with my partner and my kids (My Yellow and Chocolate Labs Grace and Stella), but now I’m ready to share them with the world and finally jump off the cliff and not be afraid or ashamed of what I’ve set out to accomplish.

6. What's the reward for achieving them?
My specific reward for achieving my goals will be to finally have the financial means to help more people, animals (I’ve got a real soft spot for them) and the environment. We’re all connected and depend on each other to prosper.

7. What's the consequence for not achieving your goal?

The biggest consequence for not achieving my goals would be to remain in the exact same place that I am today. Always wishing and hoping to do more, help more and have more. That’s why I’ve now discovered that it’s imperative to continue to focus on the positive and implement deliberate focused ACTION.

Bryan kavanagh said...

1. What Do You Want In 2009?

I have been stagnant too long! As I said in a previous post I have been working in construction since I was 12. not easy ha. . ah no im not feeling sorry for myself but 12 years of juggling a trade, my education and international competitions have taken their toll. Im fed up only being ‘half ready’ for fights and not having the time to train properly and achieve my own full potential when I look around and I see clients doing better than I am internationally! Ha. . that isn’t right is it! suppose makes me a good coach but im not getting any younger but I feel I have a few years fighting left in me. . but I would love to have the financial security to do so! And do it RIGHT! My friend Darren Sutherland recently turned professional and In order to be able to travel and go to his fights etc I will need a passive income as well and the structure in place that I can ‘work’ on the move! That would be quality!

I would love to have the security to do what I WANT not what I HAVE TO do in and reap the benefits of it. I want to help as many people as I can and let my reputation spread! I want to be the ‘go-to’ guy in Ireland for the press, high end clients and on the web! Not a lot to ask I don’t think!?

2. WHY Do You Want Those Things?

I feel like I have something to offer to who will listen. I have change many peoples lives so far and I have only had contact with a small % of the population. being the expert and ‘taking the crown’ would enable me to broadcast my ideas and help a wide range of people rather than being restricted to the few I have direct contact with. The industry itself is corrupt and misinformation is spreading like wildfire! I intend to address the mistakes and nonsense and hopefully it catches on! I don’t know how yet but I will!

3. What are you willing to do differently to achieve them?

So far, I have been working on sites, learning, learning and some more learning and only training people part time! I only have a four hour slot on a Sunday and four hours on a Thursday that I train people. The results and the bond I have with those clients is amazing! Other than that I train elite boxers and martial artists for performance. Getting excellent results! I don’t like to half do things and I feel at the moment because I perceived money to be scarce in the health and fitness industry and felt I needed two jobs to sustain myself! How wrong was I?!

I suppose I have to put my faith in the health and fitness industry/profession. Dax’s and Alwyn Cosgroves interview really put it home for me that I am a health and fitness professional and I do ‘invest in myself and my education’, I am constantly learning and I am willing to keep learning.

Me and my business partner/friend have our site and product up and running. We have made the first baby steps, there is a long way to go and I am ready!

4. What are you willing to give up?

I am willing to give up the security of my plastering trade and concentrate on my goals of taking the crown in Ireland! I am willing to give up my time and energy in order to achieve my goal! I know I have given up a lot of sleep lately, I gave up competing in the All Irelands Boxing competition, I gave up travelling to the Taekwondo world cup in Italy. All so I could concentrate on finishing our product and web site. I am dedicated and WILL achieve my goals.

5. Who have you shared your dreams with?

Everyone around me knows that I intend to make something of myself. They know its just a case of ‘when’ and ‘how’ I openly tell people to ‘watch this space’. Not in a big headed or arrogant way but in confidence.

6. What's the reward for achieving them?

I will have everyones attention. I want EVERYONE to benefit like clients who I work in person with have benefited. I believe that the main problem with people at the moment is that just don’t know! They don’t know what to do in the gym, they have no self efficacy in relation to what they are doing and believe they are not welcome or do not belong. . that has to change. Ill do it. . somehow

7. What's the consequence for not achieving your goal?

Be stuck personal training and plastering for life and only helping a select few to reach their full potential! That would devastate me not being able to reach more if not everyone. . oh and NO NISSAN GT-R haha

Actually. . ‘not achieving?’ nahhh not gonna happen. . .forget the above :-)

Caroline Radway said...

1. What Do You Want In 2009?

I want to positively impact all those I meet, on a personal and professional level. I want to inspire my clients to take reponsibility for their helth, fitness and wellbeing, and live their lives to the fullest.

I want my KettleBelleBody programme to be a huge success, and I want to create a DVD and several other info products, as well as continuing to train clients on a one-to-one basis.

I want to develop a plan for the next few years - at the moment I really have no idea which way I want to take things, but I know I want to remain autonomous and independent, and want to continue training people on a one to one basis... I don't want to spend more time than I do now on a computer, but I'd like my days to be shorter - at the moment it's 6am till 8pm with all the gaps filled with 'office' work (and of course training) followed by a bit more on the lap top in the evening and at weekends - that needs to be addressed!

I want to have more time for windsurfing, surfing and snowboarding with my boyfriend. I want to learn to switch off from 'work' and create more balance - as the lines between work and play are so blurry when you truly have found the thing you love to do, it becomes hard to even distinguish when you are working, and that is not fair on loved ones, so balance is definitely key for 2009!

I want to be financially 'free' - in a position where there are no pressing financial concerns, as there is income coming in that is not directly linked to my time spent (eg training on a one to one basis) so I can take more time off!

2. WHY Do You Want Those Things?

I want to live life to the full! I want success, but that is measured not only in financial security but in the positive impact I have on other people and in my relationships with others.

3. What are you willing to do differently to achieve them?

I am willing to step outside my comfort zone, finding and accepting challenges and opportunities.

I also want to learn to prioritise and ideally delegate / outsource. I need to follow Craig B's advice on email and other time vampires, but at the moment it's getting worse, with every new member site I join! I need to learn to manage my time more effectively and learn that I can't do everything already. Working to deadlines to ensure tasks are completed more efficiently and also planning more effectively and sticking to that plan, so I can relax and switch off on a daily basis, knowing it is all in hand (at the moment I struggle to do this - which is why I'm writing this at 10pm on a Sunday night when I should be chilling!)

4. What are you willing to give up?

I need to give up my self doubt that nags away, undermining my energy and positivity. The feeling that everyone else is more deserving of success or doing everything better can lead to demotivation and demoralisation, so I need to lose that!

I want to give up wasted time, making the moments count more! I do not want to spend any more time working than I currently do. I have managed to give up clients that are not good for me, I need to continue to do that and be stricter on my 'recruitment' of new clients. I may need to give up my reluctance to raise my rates to existing clients - I have several hours a week that I am still earning the original rate I set them, and they seem to be clients that are in it for the long haul...

I want to give up stressing about things and letting anxiety and a feeling of being overwhelmed stop me from enjoying life when I should be...

5. Who have you shared your dreams with?

In fairness, as a 'secretive' Scorpio (sad but my starsign is too spookily accurate for me not to believe in it!!) I am not very good at sharing my innermost thoughts or dreams! So this is all you're getting, but I share my dreams with those closest to me, my boyfriend and some of my clients (who understand that side of me more than most of my family and friends ironically!).

6. What's the reward for achieving them?

The reward for achieving my goals is a sense of purpose and success, but I think of goals as continual, and have always been a regular goal setter (and getter). Life is an evolution, and as goals are realised there are always new goals to focus on.

In fact, I would say I need to learn to congratulate myself for my successes in 2009, as I often hit targets only to change the goalpost before I've had the chance to wallow in the glow!

So, more champagne in 2009!

7. What's the consequence for not achieving your goal?

In some respects, the consequence of working less would be a more balanced life, but I would not have the satisfaction of professional success.

Learning to work more efficiently and effectively will mean I can live my life how I want to, enjoying my time off, getting more time off, while also being a success and positively impacting all my clients' and customers' lives.


DaleK said...

What Do You Want In 2009?

I want lots of things!! Better to ask me what I don't want!

If I had to pick one thing, it would be to take my kids on a vacation.

Why? Because we haven't taken one since my son was 5. He's 17 now. I feel incredibly...I can't think of the word...not incompetent, but close. I've just never been able to afford to do anything like that since their father and I split.

If I could do that, then that would mean I would be on the road to getting what I really want, and that is personal freedom - the ability to do what I want when I want without money being an issue. I don't expect that to come within a year but I'm open to it!

In order to get what I want I'm going to have to fail. I am a perfectionist with an obscene paralyzing fear of failure and rejection. So I usually end up just doing nothing. Nothing gets more and more painful to do the older I get.

4. What are you willing to give up?

Oh man, my ego. Err...willing...I have to be "willing?" How willing? ;)

I'm willing if it will get me what I want. See, that's that fear of failure thing!!! I'm going to try it...see how it works because what I'm doing certainly hasn't been all that effective!

5. Who have you shared your dreams with?

I haven't shared. Well, only with one person. And now here.

Most of the people in my life tend to be negative. I get the "How are you going to manage that" thing and then they scoff when I can't lay out my plan right there on the spot for them. And even if I could explain it in a paragraph it would be the wrong way in their opinion. So, I will only share with "safe" people. I don't have many of those!

6. What's the reward for achieving them?

The boost to my pride and ego that comes with having achieved a goal and a nice vaca - maybe New Zealand.

AND!!!! I get to say I told you so to the naysayers. I love that the best. OK I changed my mind. THAT's what I want. I wanna be able to say I told you so!

7. What's the consequence for not achieving your goal?

Hmmm, aside from not getting that ego boost?

I honestly have never thought of imposing my own consequences...I think because it's only been for the past year that I've learned the importance of positive goal setting - rather than the typical goal of trying to rid myself of something unpleasant. So the consequences have always been I get to keep whatever negative I was trying to get rid of.

I guess, if I haven't gotten there, then that will mean either I haven't been doing the "doing", the failing I need to do, OR, I need to change whatever it is I am doing.

I think I have a new goal. I want to FAIL at something 10x a month for the next year. No, I mean I don't want to but I'm going to.

Did I just set a goal to fail? 10x a month? I think I need to get some sleep. ;)

Thanks Dax.

Rommel Acda said...

"What I Want"

1. What Do You Want In 2009?

I bring to life a six-figure income, specifically $500k.

2. WHY Do You Want Those Things?

Achieving a $500k income will bring to life several things: the dream home for me and my wife, the resources to further help my family and community, the ability to travel the world and learn from the best, and the capability and capacity to further contribute to the World Wealth Society ( to assist in helping the world at large.

3. What are you willing to do differently to achieve them?

The things I am doing differently to achieve this goal is first improving and transforming myself by releasing all the previous limiting beliefs, and bringing to life my true identity and empowering beliefs. I used to be a product of my parents and their beliefs. This is no longer true, and I am now finally walking and creating my own path in life.

4. What are you willing to give up?

I am giving up my old friends who do not support the environment I have now created. I still love them, however I now choose to surround myself with like minded people who have accomplished the things I want, or for better words choose to have. I now make decisions based on where I want to be versus where I am currently.

5. Who have you shared your dreams with?

I have announced my dreams to the world through a life-transforming workshop and now through this blog response. My friends and family know, and I am also involved with several mastermind groups of like minded people to hold me accountable.

6. What's the reward for achieving them?

The ultimate reward is knowing that by finally achieving my goals I have made an impact on myself and my family, my community, and the world. The satisfaction in knowing I’ve helped transform people’s lives through health and fitness. I don’t care for community or global recognition. All I care about is the reaction on people’s faces when I’ve finally made an impact, and to hear them say “Thank You!”

7. What's the consequence for not achieving your goal?

The consequence is conformity. No one normal ever made history, and since I’ve been conforming for 33 years now, I refuse to live the rest of my life so uneventful. I choose the “warrior’s” path.

Thank You Dax!

Anonymous said...

I want to happen in 2009; it will be my business, life, health, fitness, everything as I believe in the holistic model I will focus on the whole

1. What Do You Want In 2009?

Get my backpain2leanframe site up finished,dusted and selling; ask Jamie to marry me as I feel our relationship is going in the right direction; to develop the possibility of opening a studio with a good friend of mine; to habitually live my EXCELLENCE daily in all areas of my life. I would also like to develop the financial freedom that will allow me to enjoy what i have so i can eventually spend more time being a dad as well as still coaching to as many people as possible; I'd also like to set up the foundations for my idea of producing a new instructor qualification that encompasses UK level 1-4 and possibly even up to degree level.

2. WHY Do You Want Those Things?

I have been a back pain sufferer my self, constantly waking up with a pain that never goes away and some days is beyond describable is agony; I want NO ONE to suffer that if they don't have to, at the very least i will lay the possibility before them.Trust me it bleeping hurts, if i can spare 1 person that pain then so be it! Married, well i have finally found a lady that blew my word to dust, she has been one of the most wonderful, amazing, compassionate and honest people i have ever encountered. She does this not out of any agenda, just simply because that's who she is. From those actions has emerged a new me, one who wants that lady as part of my life and at a fundamental level thinks that it would be a missed opportunity if i didn't!

To open my own place with my friend Kyle is a simple one: who doesn't want to be the master of their own destiny and to influence and change as many lives as possible, what better way but to do it with people who you know like and trust so you can then get people to know like and trust you. The coaching is simple, i think the industry can be a f**king shambles, no one acceptable standard, no one agreeable level, some trainers that are amazing, other that frankly it scares me... If we want to be taken seriously as a profession and as an industry then as Anthony Robbins says we need to raise our game, get the fundamentals sorted to one level, then we can worry about any add on's.

3. What are you willing to do differently to achieve them?

Change how I think, change me beliefs around what I'm doing, even to a fundamental level change my identity around what I'm doing. I also need to accept a few things that I've screwed up in my past both professionally and personally, get over it, stuff happens, now I'm willing to focus on getting the job done. Like any good scientist my approach will be flexible, my result, without compromise.

4. What are you willing to give up?

Old beliefs, old identity, things that hold me back, procrastination, getting bored of not making decisions now. Old friends, hey things happen and sorry but negativity is like a black hole, it sucks the life out of you, I will do his in such a way that iit will not sacrifice my compassion. Rather than abandoning them i will instead become the light to inspire them..

Time, things take time to develop, I also prey that I'll be wise enough to chose the activities that I fill my time with wisely..

5. Who have you shared your dreams with?

This has gone out on my blogs as well as everyone on here, all my friends, clients and work colleagues have been e-mailed the link asking them to comment, scary stuff!!!

6. What's the reward for achieving them?

Time off with my friends and family, they get to see me and i get to see them, all the financial goals allow me to provide for myself, friends and my family, if i don't spend time with them it defeats the object of what i do and why I do it! Plus a holiday round Australia would be nice too! ;)

7. What's the consequence for not achieving your goal?

Not changing or going forwards, letting the same BS attitude creep back into my life and becoming the same person I was a year ago. That [person did some horrible s**te and I DO NOT EVER want to become that again. back pedaling into that well of negativity is a no go; 'd rather die than do that! (yes i feel that strongly)

Also that impending feeling of doom or dread that will be less than i actually think and believe that i am. Sorry i am a good person and am looking to become an "instrument of change" in peoples lives, if i don't at least do my best towards achieveing this then that is true failure after all a great man once said "try or try not, do or do not, there is no try" Master Yoda to Luke Skywalker, now go and achieve!

Thanks for reading what has now become a rant rather than a comment, hope you're all still with me.

Christopher Warden said...

1. What Do You Want In 2009?

I want to streamline my business. This will require
- optimizing myself and defining "what makes me, me." (almost done!)
- overhauling my website to make it more interactive, personable and capable of "relationship building" with free products and name capture.
- developing at least 3 products (all or portions of them, free)
- getting more comfortable with the basics of web page design (whether I do the design or not, just becoming more familiar so I can appreciate what needs to be done by those I hire)
- getting more comfortable with marketing, web copy and PR.
- targeting a specific niche (or niches) of clients, both to enhance my client numbers and level of influence/exposure to the community (world) and to help ensure that I acquire clients who are passionate about this fitness process (and who will therefore keep reinvigorating/cultivating my passion.)

2. WHY Do You Want Those Things?

Accomplishing what I've set out above will lead me toward a more automated business, enabling me to:
- reach more people
- create more time for me to "improve" me, for me
- build even stronger relationships with my family, friends, for me
- travel the world and enjoy the excitement of life
- have even more of a sense of freedom
- further cultivate my passion for helping people and help me live my purpose. (and this cycle can feed itself, expand, and repeat itself.)

3. What are you willing to do differently to achieve them?

I have to do better at focusing on what's important. At being efficient with the work I do, while focusing on tasks that are effective at growing my business. I will reduce my "need" to multitask. . . Focusing on one or two big tasks per day. . . And getting them DONE. The biggest thing that will help me with this is clearly defining my beliefs, my wants . . . My "unique marketing identity."

4. What are you willing to give up?

Frankly, I'm already pretty good at making sacrifices to get ahead. One of the biggest reasons I want to streamline my business is so that I can sacrifice less. I'm known for working hard (not always smart) and not enabling myself to experience the joys of living like I'd prefer; I don't often reward myself for my efforts. So, actually, what I need to give up are two personality traits that hold me back - the need to be perfect and the need to be in control.

Requiring perfection, of course, keeps me stagnant by "analysis paralysis." Not relinquishing control slows down my progress because, well, I let too few people help me when I need it! I've got to learn that things can be "just fine" without me having to do "everything all the time."

Releasing the burden of these character traits (or lightening up) will help my business to flourish and "create" the time I want.

5. Who have you shared your dreams with?

My wife. My mother and siblings. Now Dax and the rest of the PTSA gang... (Or whoever else chooses to read this). Essentially, I've shared this with the people who's opinion matters to me... And with those who I feel will support me when I need it.

6. What's the reward for achieving them?

The reward will be time. Time for me to practice truly living. Time to practice "being." Time with my family. Time to snowboard, bungee jump, skydive, drive fast. Time to travel - and I want to visit every state in the U.S. And as many countries in the world as possible! I want to meet people from around the world to connect, learn, contribute and grow.....

7. What's the consequence for not achieving your goal?

I understand the idea of being conscious and living in the now - now is where life happens - but I don't want my living moments to be filled with "busy-ness." If I don't achieve my goals, I run the risk of life passing me by because I'll be too busy to do the things I really enjoy doing outside my profession. I risk losing time with my family. I'll miss out on opportunities to travel and experience the amazing cultures around the world. Essentially, I risk missing out on all the things that replenish the essence of me. . . and keep me strong enough to run my business.

Steve said...

1.Wow! In 2009, i want to have 6 thriving bootcamp locations. I want to have added corporate bootcamps / corporate wellness programmes to what we offer.I want my youth training programme started, thriving, and changing young lives! I want to have a personal training company supplying trainers to 4 PT's. I want to be selling info products (at least one). I want to do this and do so while gradually working less hours, taking a month off work and moving into a bigger place. I want to finally learn to play the guitar well!

2. I want these things because i believe these will tie together all of the areas i have been working in over the years in the best way possible. I want this because i believe it will be the most satisfying business, providing the best results and service for the best rewards. It will allow me more of the lifestyle that i want to live.

3. I'm willing to invest time money and effort to learn how to do everything better, and implement the systems that do everything better and best leverage my time. I'll have to become even more focused and organised about work and rest.

4. I'll have to give up time wasting, give up a certain amount of responsibility to assistants and other trainers. To a certain extent i'll have to give up purely focusing on business stuff so much of the time to achieve more balance.

5. I've shared dreams with my business partner, with some clients, with close friends and family, but i'm not sure i've really shared the depths of those dreams or done so with enough people.

6. The rewards will be a lifestyle i've never previously associated with myself. Having a successful business that truly makes a difference, and provides an abundant income. My reward will be time off, far greater balance, a home i will love to live in that refreshes me, and a social life that excites me!I will be able to nurture friendships, relationships and family to a deeper level.

7. If this didn't happen, then i guess things would stay similar as they were in the past, i would continue doing courses that interest me and become a better trainer who scapes by financially. I would still have a certain amount of happiness and satisfaction. But there would come a day where a certain amount of frustration would no doubt kick in and force me to once again grow a proper business, or do something else altogether. As i've commited to achieving success, not doing so would no doubt affect my self confidence and self belief.

Anonymous said...

1. What Do You Want In 2009?

* Build my list up to 10,000
* Add a Men's Boot Camp after my women's boot camp
* Make my Kids boot camp a huge success and employ instructors
* Continue to do 100 pt sessions a month
* Become debt free
* The boot camps and pt is coming along nicely, next step is to sell my ebooks, 500 Sales by end of 2009
* Take the misses on a surprise trip to new york
* Keep completing and setting my magic hundred goals
* Complete a 1/2 marathon, london triathon and great south run.
* Continue to be happy and keep loving the job that I love
* be healthy, and get down to 10-12% body fat
* have 5 streams of revenue (pt, boot camps, kids club, internet/ebooks, referals/affiliate marketing)
* After reading this again learn to spell as I clearly cant!

2. WHY Do You Want Those Things?

Since doing the magic hundred over a year ago I my business, life and finance has improved greatly. This has taught by pushing the barrier and setting targets I may of not look at before I have and will achieve more. It will hopefully bring and continue a happy lifestyle.

3. What are you willing to do differently to achieve them?

Continue to do what ever dax or craig ballantyne says! Not to be afraid of setting scary goals that will push me more instead of setting easy goals. I think becoming more 'doing' rather than reading or researching how to do it and leave the cub scout badges so to speak for a bit and complete more of the goals.

4. What are you willing to give up?

Give up some PT, the boot camps are going a treat and get the time I need to spend on the e-books I need to give up some PT and spend the time 'doing' instead of planning and not having the time to concentrate on it. It will also give me a better quality of life with the misses.

5. Who have you shared your dreams with?

I regulary talk about my goals with my clients and in my newsletters, I have at times put them on my blog but I am a bit lame with the blog and do not write on it as much as I should. I like to share my dreams and ideas with the PTS forums and PTU forums.

6. What's the reward for achieving them?

My reward will be to debt free and not spend £500 a month on paying off loans, credit cards, etc! To surprise the misses and tell her were going to new york would be a dream, I know shes always wanted to go just like most girls. Iv always wanted to be debt free but when you get yourself into such a pickle its hard to see the end, i am just starting to see the end of the tunnel...Just £8000 to go!

7. What's the consequence for not achieving your goal?

jump off a cliff (A poor joke!)

Il be still paying a ridiculos amount of money to the banks who charge me stupid amounts of interest! To look a plum infront of clients because Iv told them what I want to achieve and if i dont do it they wont believe so much in the goal setting theorys that have taken me so long to instil in them.

Unknown said...

What Do You Want In 2009?

I want to be a successful speaker on the college and high school circuit to inspire others to do what they love to do and show them how to be successful. Continue to build my training business so I can help more people be successful. Build my training business to help more young athletes see and use their potential. Build my training business to work without me.

2. WHY Do You Want Those Things?

If I can do those things I will be able to help 10x’s the amount of people I am helping now. But more importantly I will be able to better support my family so we can live the lives that we have dreamed of.

3. What are you willing to do differently to achieve them?

I will live in the present more than I have in the past. I will take action everyday towards my goals, instead of the sporadic action. Continue to gain confidence in my skills and abilities.

4. What are you willing to give up?

I will have to give up some control of the training of my business and some of the other smaller tasks that I currently do.

5. Who have you shared your dreams with?

I have told my mentor, my mastermind group, a couple of my friends, my wife, and my 2.5 year old son but he just smiles, giggles, and gives me this weird face every time I tell him.

6. What's the reward for achieving them?

Personal reward is a trip to Africa to the Serengeti, and then Australia
Business reward is a slightly larger facility currently 2000 sqft to 5000-8000 sqft

7. What's the consequence for not achieving your goal?

I will lose my business, not help very many kids and young adults, possible bankruptcy, not be as happy.
