Monday 9 March 2009

How To Avoid Burnout In Your Fitness Business

Here's another question!

"Hi Dax,

With all that you do, how do you avoid burnout? 


Hey Amanda

I avoid burnout in numerous ways actually, but first and foremost among them is that I mostly work in areas that I’m very passionate about. More than passionate, in fact, but purposeful.

I’m very fortunate that most of my goals are exciting to me (initially at least) but that ultimately, they fall in line with my passions and my ultimate ‘big picture’ purpose which is…

‘To have a lasting positive impact on the lives of every person who I come into contact with, whether in person or by other means’

With such a purpose I genuinely go through my day every day asking ‘am I achieving my purpose?’ and I can answer it easily.
That’s not to say I always achieve it. I don’t.

I get upset, angry, impatient, frustrated the same as everyone else, however, I’m aware that those feelings are taking me off of my purpose and so I’m able to correct course pretty quickly and get back on target.

This, I believe, is a huge part of avoiding burnout. Knowing what you’re here for and spending most of your time working toward that end.

On a more pragmatic level, I ensure that my year is divided into phases.

I don’t believe that we can run full tilt all the time without burning out, no matter how passionate we are or how inspired our purpose. Sometimes you just need to charge your batteries.

So, instead of letting the batteries run out and being forced to rest and recharge them, I and my family have adopted what we call ‘the 12 week rule’.

This means simply this; we will NEVER go longer than 12 weeks without taking a family trip or adventure somewhere. Normally for 2-4 weeks though sometimes longer and often a little shorter.

The beauty of this approach is that we all know IN ADVANCE how long the next ‘race’ is to be run. We know that I may be working flat out for several weeks, that I may be traveling or working on time consuming project, but they also know for certain that it will end and that we’ll be going somewhere great at the end of it to spend time together.

Oftentimes we’ll not even wait for 12 weeks and go somewhere much sooner, but it’ll never go beyond that.

Want to avoid burnout?

Simply draw out your finish line IN ADVANCE and ‘run’ as hard and fast as you can with your goals safe in the knowledge that your chance to recover and get your breath back is never that far away.

Hope this helps

Dax Moy
The Home of fitness marketing and personal training Success

P.S - Here's my 'anti-burnout' trip that I took this weekend. Along way to go for a couple of days but really recharged my batteries : )


FamilyFitnessGuru said...

What fantastic recharge ideas! Thanks for sharing (I found you on Twitter). I am so with you about finding life's purpose and using that passion to flame your energies. You give me great inspiration. Thanks and keep those fires stoked!

Amanda Vogel said...

Hi Dax,

Thanks for answering my question! I like your idea about setting the finish line so you can "see" the break ahead even when you are working hard up to that point.

Thanks again for sharing.