Thursday 24 April 2008

Are You Pushing The Button For Success In YOUR Personal Training Business?

If there's one thing I've noticed about the top guys and girls in
this wonderful industry of ours it's that they rarely, if ever, are
out of sight for very long.

It seems that barely a day goes by when I don't receive an email
from Pat Rigsby, Ryan Lee, Craig Ballantyne or Jim Labadie with
yet another tidbit of wonderful information that I can use to
accelerate one or more areas of my business.

Likewise, many other seriously successful internet marketing stars
fill my inbox on an almost daily basis with message after message
about how to achieve greater online success.

Seth Godin, Yanik Silver, Armand Morin, David Frey, Rich Schefren,
Dan Kennedy, Jay Conrad Levinson.

They all do.

They all engage in a process that I call 'pushing the button'.

And for very good reason.

Because it's PROVEN to be the most powerful income generation method there is!

Now, when I say 'push the button', what I'm really talking about is taking action to make contact with your subscribers and ustomers on a daily basis.

Maybe it's a blog post like this one, maybe it's uploading another youtube video like those below or maybe it's answering a few questions over on your community site like my new or maybe it's all three, but whatever route you take, it involves reminding your readers about why they chose to sign up in the first place.

(Hopefully, because they saw you as a great resource for health and fitness information, right?)

Now, as obvious as the 'push the button' strategy may seem at first, it's clear that most personal trainers still aren't pushing the button nearly enough to create the kind of impact they could be.

Heck, until about 6 months ago, I wasn't doing it nearly enough and I was doing far more than most people reading this post today!

I used to think "You can't be posting to people more than once a week, you'll annoy them and they'll unsubscribe" and because of this, I severely restricted the amount of income I was able to make online.

I even started to listen to some of the unsubscribe comments from my mailing list from people who said that once a week was too much and contemplated reducing my mails to once or twice a month. (I realise now that that would have been business suicide, but I was so close to doing it).

But I didn't.

I watched what the other 'serious players' both within the industry and outside of it were doing and realised that their success wasn't just related to the number of times they pushed the button. It was because of it!

Every time they pushed the button they reminded people about how good they were at what they did.

Every time they pushed the button they demonstrated their expertise and mastery of their subject areas.

Every time they pushed the button they strengthened relationships with their readers.

Every time they pushed the button they strengthed the 'law of reciprocation' with their readers.

Every time they pushed the button they gave their readers another chance to say 'YES!'

Every time they pushed the button THEY MADE SALES!

Now think about it, even if you only ever make one sale from every time you push the button then that's still going to be 5-7 sales a week isn't it?

Would you rather make 365 sales of your ebook a year or 52?

Let's just do the math shall we?

1 email a week selling 1 $29.99 ebook equals $1559.48
7 emails a week selling the same ebookk $10,946.35!

If that's not good reason to push the button, I don't know what is!

"But what about unsubscribes?" I hear you ask "Won't I shrink my list?"

The short answer is 'yes' you probably will end up shrinking your list, but think about it; if those people unsubscribe then they simply don't value what you're sharing ANYWAY. That being the case, they'll never buy your product or service will they?

On the flip-side however, those that are receiving top-notch information from you on a more regular basis will fall in love with you and your message.

They'll become raving fans because of how much you've helped them.

And yes, even though it may take some time, they WILL buy from you eventually.

But you've gotta get committed to pushing the button.

In fact, I guarantee that if you make it your business to push the button every day for the next 30 days that you'll see an amazing increase in the traffic to your sites, the calls to your studios and the sales of your e-products.

Give it a go for just 30 days.

Every night before you go to bed ask yourself "Did I push the button today?" and if not, take action there and then before your head hits the pillow.

Amazing things will happen.

(Don't forget to write in and tell me how it works for you!)

To your success

Dax Moy

P.S - Pushing the button doesn't mean daily bombardments about your latest product, service or affiliate promotion. It means giving your readers great information as often as possible so that they WANT to buy rather you having to SELL.

By all means, add a sprinkling of promo's into your push the button strategy but don't kill your list by making every post an advertisement...

P.P.S - Have you joined the new community I've set up for you yet?

Pop on over to where you can learn more push the button techniques for free!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Dax!

What's your personal email... I cant get a hold of you and want to interview you for my UMA teleseminar series and promote Magic 100!