Sunday 27 April 2008

Do You DESERVE Success?

Whenever I start coaching a new group of students I always ask that question.

And the answer is pretty much always "Of course! EVERYONE deserves success!"


Even more interesting is when I ask 'Do you know what 'deserve' actually means?'. It's at this point that people start to 'um' and 'aah' and guess at the meaning of the word.

It's clear that most people have no idea about what 'deserve' actually means and so, that being the case, I can't help but wonder how they KNOW that they deserve success. After all, if you don't know the definition of a word, how can you know if it applies to you?

Let me put you out of your misery.

DESERVE comes from the latin word roots 'De' meaning 'of' or 'from' and 'servir' meaning 'service'.

So DESERVE literally means 'from service'.

That changes things a bit doesn't it?

It takes deserving from being a subjective feeling about what you should be getting to an objective assessment about what you're giving.

Not getting what you want from from your business at the moment? Give more service and it'll come.

Not getting what you want from your relationships? Give more service there too.

Not getting enough from life in general?... you know what to do!

Looking at what you're getting from life from the perspective of the service you're giving to others changes everything.


If you don't feel like you're getting what you deserve then you're simply not giving enough service to others.

No if's, no but's.

This is an immutable law of success.

Want more?

Give more.


Don't think "What's the least I can do here to get a result?" Think, "What's the BEST I can give?"

Better pictures in your ebook?

Better sound on your audios?

Better handouts and Pdf's for your clients?

Better programs?

Better results?

Yes please!

Give better service and then, when you think you can't give any more, find another way to 'squeeze more in'.

To your deserved success!

Dax Moy

P.S - Check out the Excellence Module of the PTSA diploma if you're serious about getting what you deserve. This one module has been responsible for more income increases than anything else I've ever put together.


Dave Gleason said...

Great post! I have always believed that the more we give the more we get!

Paying it forward always comes back to us.

Dave Gleason

Christopher Warden said...

"Abundance comes from within." Give/see the abundance within you, and abundance will return to you in droves.

Great post Dax.